PaaS-y Days Are Here Again


Posted on 8 November, 2018, on Forbes.

At the turn of the previous decade, you would be considered perfectly sound to place a bet on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) as the dominant cloud service model (over IaaS). With offerings such as Google's App Engine, Microsoft's original Azure, newcomers Heroku and EngineYard, and OpenShift from Red Hat, to name just a few, the stage seemed set for this model of opinionated, abstracted operations to take immediate hold.

But within a few years, many a PaaS-y startup started to run into trouble when raising money. “PaaS” became a dirty word (one founder I worked closely with told me of a lost weekend he spent redoing his company's collateral and website to remove all mention of the word "platform"). So what went wrong, and how is it changing now?

The perfect storm of 2008

The Great Recession which started in 2008 created some key conditions for the renewed rise of startups. These have have been well documented for years: chiefly, negative (real) cost of capital made seed capital more accessible; and large numbers of young software engineers, many with open source and “post-Web 2.0” experience, were left without jobs, looking for something to do.

Amazon stumbled upon this market to complete the golden triangle of capital-talent-technology. At a time when leading (and emerging) PaaS vendors were banking on abstracting IT for enterprise developers, AWS found that startup developers—many of them with shallow pockets and deep experiences—tended to have their own development environments and just wanted access to someone else’s machines, not someone else’s opinions. Amazon Web Services’ EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) service gave them just that, as did upstarts such as DigitalOcean and open projects such as OpenStack.

As many of these developer teams evolved into the first cloud-native companies, there emerged a common need for simplification and abstraction, to support rapid scaleup. However, even that didn’t push the market over to PaaS. Many have criticized the inherent pricing model of many PaaS tools as unfit for scale, but I would like to offer an additional, technical argument: the first cloud-native companies had access to an exploding universe of open source code and great technical talent who, put together, could help in building and maintaining complex IT ‘stacks’—in other words, the first hyper-scale cloud companies chose to own system complexity rather than take someone else’s rigid opinion.

Since these early days of AWS, the history of cloud computing can be summarized as follows: who will come in a distant second?

New k8s on the block: enter ‘the unstructured PaaS’

Something else happened as the cloud ecosystem evolved: many companies found out they are not Netflix or Uber. Talent was one challenge, with the hyper-scale players and cloud providers offering almost un-matchable careers to the best engineers. Another was the hard reality of private- or hybrid-cloud operations.

In a much-circulated blog post, Boris Renski, co-founder of Mirantis, said: “Operational challenges stifled private cloud... To get adoption for private IaaS we made it DIY friendly with OpenStack. But then we stumbled with operations and surrendered to public cloud.” Renski’s post was meant to warn against similar dangers in the newer wave of innovation, Kubernetes (the de facto standard for container orchestration, open-sourced by Google and hosted by the CNCF).

Indeed, “operations hubris” is a dangerous phenomenon—most of us in the infrastructure business have seen firsthand how companies that tried to wrangle OpenStack without help, gave up and went all-in on AWS later on. Interestingly, Mr. Renski and others have defined Kubernetes as an “unstructured PaaS”, which implies a more optimized mix of abstraction and operational opinion, compared to traditional PaaS, potentially mitigating this hubris.

On top of this dynamic, since the above post’s publication, some fundamental shifts in the industry have taken place (the tech scene moves fast!). There are three which I would like to focus on:

1. Dominance of Kubernetes. All major players in the cloud world, including those backing rival orchestrators such as Mesosphere and Docker, have announced native support for Kubernetes, effectively anointing it as the industry standard. It’s easier to accept PaaS opinions if there’s a widely-agreed operating thesis in the base technology (Kubernetes).

2. Fragmented project/vendor landscape. The CNCF solution landscape is a sprawling collection of member and project logos. Despite improvements to the GUI, just due to the size of the partner community, as an orientation and decision tool for cloud architects and developers, the CNCF Landscape can be quite intimidating to understand let alone use. To use one analogy from Gartner’s Gary Olliffe, the new cloud-native space is a bit like a multi-page menu at a Chinese restaurant—and IT teams are instead better off going for one of the set menus. In this kind of environment, the cost of choosing primitives over opinions rises exponentially—you’re essentially continually paying tuition.

3. Strategic acquisitions by PaaS vendors. Recent acquisitions in this space—e.g., Microsoft buying Deis, Red Hat buying CoreOS (and more recently, IBM announcing its intent to buy Red Hat)—show a clear intent to close the gaps in operations capabilities, and get closer to developer communities around containers. In addition, what is implied in these moves is an acceptance of the unstructured PaaS premise, and a move from the rigid, “take-it-or-leave-it” days of old. Red Hat describes its OpenShift as Kubernetes++, rather than use the term “PaaS”.  While the cost benefit of managing complexity decreases, on the other side of the equation, the benefits from and ease of using opinions increases dramatically.

What this means

To summarize, the cost of doing IT infrastructure yourself is visibly and increasingly high, while the flexibility and richness of PaaS are steadily on the rise. Kubernetes is a complex technology built by system engineers for system engineers, but a rich ecosystem of vendors are working to make it accessible and usable beyond The Chasm, on a managed-service basis.

So while there’s still some baggage attached to the term “PaaS”, in this kind of environment, we should be seeing accelerated growth for PaaS adoption. Some of this will be on the public clouds’ own and other hosted PaaS offerings (App Engine, Heroku etc.), but given the portable nature of Kubernetes, a lot of PaaS usage will be on hybrid and on-prem alternatives  such from Pivotal or the IBM-ified evolution of Red Hat. If the goal is to make containerized infrastructure easier to use so we can drive innovation, then I think this would be a productive scenario.

Original post.


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