Kubernetes: Evolution Of An IT Revolution


Posted on 1 November, 2018, on Forbes.

(Note: this post assumes a basic level of familiarity with technologies such as containers and Kubernetes. For a primer, watch this lovely video.)

When asked about the impact of revolutionary developments in France, Chinese Communist leader Zhou Enlai famously replied, "It is too soon to say." (Though it is still disputed if he was referring to 1789 or 1968!) Lucky for him, he didn't have to deal with things such as the IT hype cycle.

The IT industry has never been short on marketing hype, and Kubernetes, the emerging standard for container orchestration, is no exception. For sure, Kubernetes' technical pedigree is distinguished, having been born out of the technology that powers Google itself. Furthermore, since its birth in 2014 as an open source project hosted by The Cloud-Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the project has seen impressive growth driven by a rich ecosystem—and that trend intensifies, as can be seen in the CNCF's latest survey.

As impressive as growth can be, however, it isn't the same thing as ubiquity (this is where marketing hype is effective in blurring reality). Judging from metrics such as tech conferences covering Kubernetes, the number of partner logos on the CNCF's landscape, the volume of press releases—and even more tangible metrics such as commits to related projects on GitHub—one might be forgiven for believing that ubiquity has already been achieved.

It might be useful to remember, then, that according to a study cited on Forbes.com earlier this year, 12 years after the launch of AWS, only 31% of workloads are currently running exclusively on public clouds. In light of this data, would it be wise to assume that the cloud-native revolution has covered more ground in less than a third of that time? Likely not. More specifically: What can the rapid growth of Kubernetes tell us about the evolution of its usage model in enterprise? With some personal insight into this space, I can attempt to guess.

An alternative timeline

I have been fortunate enough to have been there (in the eye of the cloud-computing storm) when Kubernetes was released initially and as a stable (version 1.0) project, in June of 2014 and July of 2015, respectively. Having worked with cutting-edge engineering teams in this sector before and since then, I have also seen Kubernetes spread in usage and grow in maturity. General milestones in the project's history are well-documented, but I see some actual adoption trends moving on a timeline as follows (vastly simplified/generalized for the sake of brevity):

  • 2014: Extreme-early adopters try to understand how Kubernetes works.

  • 2015: With the launch of the CNCF and Google's managed Kubernetes, GKE, a wider community of software and system engineers now have a reference model for the technology. Red Hat's OpenShift starts on the container-PaaS path.

  • 2016: Since only a small number of workloads actually run on Google's public cloud at this time, the focus shifts to finding ways to install Kubernetes and to spin up clusters for test applications, on other clouds or on premises.

  • 2017: More managed Kubernetes services are made available (or at least announced), from Azure and AWS, and erstwhile Kubernetes rivals Docker and Mesosphere announce support for Kubernetes in their tooling. This effectively cements Kubernetes' leadership as the de-facto standard for container orchestration. Early adopters, with access to top engineering talent, deploy production workloads at scale on the technology. The part of the mainstream that is actually doing something with Kubernetes still focuses on understanding how to install and manage it at a proof-of-concept level.

  • 2018, to date: Several more managed Kubernetes services are launched by DigitalOcean, Oracle and others; coupled with the growth of the top-3 clouds' managed Kubernetes services (as well as Red Hat OpenShift), the problem of simple installation and management is effectively solved. The conversation shifts 'left' to problems in the pipeline—how to get code in a reliable, repeatable way into Kubernetes. It also shifts 'right' to lifecycle management—how to operate (monitor, log and secure) clusters, especially within hybrid environments. This means that production usage is still constrained—to run an app in production, one needs to address the whole cycle, rather than just spin up clusters.

In the grand scheme of things, this is still an evolving technology with a small footprint. Even for a technology with the robustness and backing to become pervasive, growth does not equal ubiquity—yet. So what does that mean for users, investors and vendors? And what else is happening that should influence decisions?

Services, not tools—but until when?

In the immediate term, a shift is continuing on the user level from "help me install it" to "build an operating model for me". My conversations with dozens of industry execs, investors and customers have led me to believe that this is still very much a consultant's industry: as containers and Kubernetes stretch or fundamentally change engineering, organizational and cultural assumptions underlying the application lifecycle, this requires a wide scope with ample focus on change management, which fits a services model.

Large consulting firms have benefitted from this, with some of them raising impressive investment rounds from venture capital, a sector known for focusing on product companies. Some of the smaller tooling companies are offering services wrapped around their technology. Pure-product companies are biding their time—doubling down on engineering to deepen their product advantage, generating most revenue from SMEs using their SaaS model. (It will be interesting to watch future M&A activity between some of the larger consulting companies, who in general have limited technology IP, and smaller product companies, who have limited/no services scope.)

It is the way of technology almost everywhere: The cloud-native ecosystem will inevitably become more mature and commoditized, with much more of a product focus . Some of us are old enough to remember when building a custom website could cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars, but today you just use Squarespace or Wix templates; we shouldn't assume anything different for this market. With commoditization in mind, does investing in custom technology around Kubernetes make sense? I would argue that in the medium-long term, IT buyers should look for widely-used, scalable, production-proven solutions, and then make a decision on whether to invest towards in-house operations (open source) or a managed/commercial software model.

The question nobody can honestly claim to have an answer for is, "when will this shift to product happen?". In the meantime, one group of companies will continue to reap the financial rewards of Kubernetes' explosive growth, in the same way they have benefited from other open source projects: the handful of mega-public clouds and PaaS giants. Wherever the wind blows, being an industry center of gravity with an API-based platform, like AWS or Azure (or OpenShift, given this week's news!), has never been more lucrative.

Original post.


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