The Biggest Impact Of Open Source On Enterprises Might Not Be The Software Itself

Posted on 26 May, 2020, on Forbes.

Profile pics of the three interviewees

Chip Childers, Dustin Kirkland, Anton Drukh (Twitter)

Open source software underpins many of the applications we use today, whether critical for our society to function, or just for our ability to share photos of our quarantine-sourdough with strangers. The code itself has clearly changed our software applications, but what deeper, underlying impact on software delivery and organizational culture have we seen through this process?

In this article, I had the privilege of speaking with three industry luminaries that have contributed to building open source projects and communities for many years. I wanted to learn from them about the diffusion of software delivery practices from communities and projects into companies and products.

First, I spoke to Chip Childers, co-founder and newly-appointed Executive Director of the Cloud Foundry Foundation; then, to Dustin Kirkland, Chief Product Officer at Apex Clearing and a longtime contributor to Ubuntu, Kubernetes and OpenStack; and finally to Anton Drukh, early employee and VP Engineering at cloud-native unicorn Snyk.

The foundation: becoming better developers through contribution

The Cloud Foundry Foundation was originally established to hold the intellectual property of the open source Cloud Foundry technology and oversee the governance of the project. Today, the Foundation houses 48 projects under its umbrella, and over the years has influenced numerous enterprises in using the technology. The Foundation's projects release independently, and most projects come together to form the platform through a coordinated release process: smaller teams release whenever they are ready, while the entire system is tested for known-good combinations through the coordinated release process.

From the beginning, says Childers, the Foundation was structured with an open source license, an open contribution model, and an open governance model. Naturally, companies with larger numbers of contributors often obtain more influence in the project roadmap—but the path that this process has paved goes both ways.

The Foundation’s practices have clearly impacted companies whose staff are also contributors, according to Childers. For example, he has seen more and more contributing developers—often paired across different organizations—go back to their companies and drive adoption of methodologies like extreme programming and agile development.

On an even deeper level, says Childers, that impact has created a flywheel effect, making developers great ambassadors into their companies, and then improving the Foundation’s projects. As a first step, developers adopt the same collaboration mindset that permeates the Cloud Foundry community, in their day jobs. Second, as developers building tools for developers, they tend to develop empathy and a keen understanding of user experience, which improves their work in their companies. Third, hands-on experience in using Cloud Foundry technologies and processes in their organizations means that contributors have a wider perspective and often feed back into the Foundation’s projects on what could be improved.

The contributor: delivering proprietary software like open source

Dustin Kirkland, Chief Product Officer at Apex Clearing and an ex-colleague of mine, spent the last 20+ years in various leadership roles around open source software, and has contributed code to projects including Ubuntu, OpenStack, and Kubernetes. Upon arrival at Apex Clearing, he wondered if the company can re-use not only the code of the open source projects it had access to, but also some of the underlying processes around how that code was delivered, which he had experienced firsthand. Specifically, he focused his attention on release cycles.

Projects such as Ubuntu, OpenStack, and Kubernetes have predictable, time-based release cycles. Ubuntu has released every April and October, since October of 2004 (32 timely, major platform releases, for over 16 years!); Kubernetes, introduced in 2014, has chosen an increased pace of quarterly release cycles, and has managed four releases per year, over the last six years.

A key concept these projects use which Kirkland introduced into Apex Clearing is “Coordinated Cycles”: with time, resources, and scope as variables, a project needs to make two of them constant, and then manage the third. For example, with Ubuntu, time (releasing on time) and resources (size of the contributor community) are fixed, and scope is negotiated. Typically, a Cycle kicks off with a Summit or Conference (such as an Ubuntu Developer Summit) that brings together contributors from around the industry. In addition, a Mid-Cycle Summit is a good way of tracking progress and correcting course as needed.

When Kirkland arrived at Apex in 2019, products and projects were managed asynchronously. After examining the option of six-month releases (like Ubuntu or OpenStack), it was deemed unwieldy, as the team would need to manage two-week sprints for 26 weeks straight. Quarterly cycles, adopted by Kubernetes, were considered too short to see through anything but the smallest individual projects. Finally, the team settled on 16-week cycles: three full cycles per year, with 48 weeks of development, while still allowing for four weeks of holidays. 

Today at Apex, each cycle involves three types of summits:

  1. Prioritization Summit: product managers collect input from all stakeholders, so that they can achieve consensus on priorities for each product family.

  2. Planning Summit: once the product requirements are defined, there is alignment between engineering and management on work commitments across the product portfolio, for the upcoming cycle.

  3. Mid-Cycle Summit, renamed Portfolio Review: report on progress and adjust course where necessary, about two-three times per cycle.

Announced in April of this year, Apex 20a was the first release that used open source processes and methodologies. This month, Kirkland and his team will be (virtually) holding a Portfolio Review for Apex 20b, reviewing the entire portfolio with all engineering and product leaders.

The start-up: putting up open source norms as foundations

Anton Drukh, a current colleague of mine, joined Snyk as its first hire in 2015, and has successfully grown the engineering function to a stellar team of about 70 people. He has always been fascinated, he says, by how the simplest solutions can solve the most complex problems, with people being the critical element in any solution.

Snyk’s approach from its earliest days was to see developers as the solution to—and not the source of—security vulnerabilities introduced into software. Drukh says that as someone whose formative years as an engineering leader were securely in the cloud and cloud-native era, he was especially drawn to three aspects of the new company.

First, Snyk chose to focus on securing open source, and Drukh believed that working closely with open source communities would help develop a culture of humility. Today, says Drukh, every external contribution to Snyk’s mostly open source code base is a positive reminder of that.

Second, learning from many open source projects, Snyk aimed to build a distributed and diverse engineering team and company. According to Drukh, building these principles into the hiring process created an immense sense of empowerment amongst employees. Snyk runs in small teams of five-six people, always from different locations (and continents, as Snyk’s engineers are based in the UK, North America, Israel, and beyond), and trusts them to ‘do the right thing’. This, in turn, creates a strong and shared sense of accountability for the team’s and the company’s success.

Third, from its very beginning, the company set out to adopt open source practices in the practicalities of its software development. These measures increase a feature’s effectiveness, but also shorten the time it takes for an idea to travel from a developer’s mind to the hands of the user. Examples abound, such as:

  1. Snyk’s codebase is shared within a team and between teams, which enables ease of onboarding and clarity of ownership.

  2. Each repository needs to have a standardized and automated release flow, which supports high release pace.

  3. Each pull request needs to have a clear guideline for why it is being raised, what trade-offs stand behind the chosen approach, how the tests are reflecting the expectations of the new functionality, and who should review this change. This drives transparency and accountability in the culture.

Revealingly, for some of Snyk’s users, the impact of the product has sparked a curiosity into how it was delivered, and an attempt to learn from the processes of a cloud-native startup. Customers can inspect the company’s delivery process across some of its codebase, and share ideas with Snyk (such as this one, of consolidating release cycles). Without the culture and processes inspired by open source, none of this serendipity would exhibit itself.

Original post.


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