Containers Put The 'Dev' Back In DevSecOps

Posted on 28 May, 2019, on Forbes.

On the back of a record-breaking Kubecon+CloudNativeCon (with a reported 7,700 attendees last week), it is very clear that Kubernetes’ position as a cloud center of gravity remains unassailable in the foreseeable future. For one, even outside of this sprawling tradeshow, it has taken over sessions at many other conferences, from the Open Infrastructure Summit (previously OpenStack Summit) to the Cloud Foundry Summit. I personally believe that in the next few years, these two conferences (and others) will either accelerate in their contraction or even merge into a mega CloudNativeCon.

Does that mean digital transformation has reached a steady state? Hardly. As the Cloud Foundry Foundation’s April report showed, 74% of companies polled define digital transformation as a perpetual, not one-time, shift. The survey also shows that organizations are already using a good mix of technologies and clouds in production, which explains the Foundation’s endorsement of Kubernetes and the launch last year of the related project Eirini.



New models, new personas, new tension

In the end, what matters to IT teams is a thoughtful approach to building and deploying cloud-native applications. There are many reasons why containers have become so popular since DotCloud’s pivot into Docker all those years ago, and I have gone through some of them in previous posts. IBM’s Jim Comfort has called it the most dramatic shift in IT in memory, more so than cloud computing. Since that pivot, it has become a convention that whatever is in the container is the developers’ responsibility, while operators own what is outside of it.

Kubernetes and related projects challenge that paradigm even further and represent the cloud-native vision in that they provide developers with access to native APIs, which means they have much more control over how their application is delivered and deployed. So, while software is eating the world, developers have started to eat the software delivery chain.

However, Kubernetes’ evolution into the golden standard of an “un-opinionated PaaS” still means that in most large enterprises it is still owned and maintained by operations-minded engineers. Therefore, one of the main efforts driving enterprise adoption has been to build operating models that balance developer empowerment and operator governance—for some, that means DevOps. However, the rise of DevOps is not the only shift in user personas that we have seen.

Open source and the “shift-left” risk

Security used to be the place where people not only buy, but also use solutions to prevent and adapt to security risks, but this was at an age of waterfall development and of mostly closed-source code. The rise of open source software has been disruptive to that as it has been pervasive—whether the application itself is open-sourced or not, significant amounts of open source packages are being leveraged in its creation. The cloud-native movement has accelerated this trend even further, with its strong bias towards open source.

The reason this matters is that security teams are not staffed nor equipped to control these open source inputs. Whether the security team was planning for it or not, a lot of their risk has “shifted left”, and now with open APIs, both the breadth and speed of risk have risen. Snyk’s latest report, “Shifting Container Security Left” shows that the top 10 official container images on DockerHub each contain at least 30 vulnerabilities and that even of the top 10 most popular free Docker-certified images, 50% have known vulnerabilities.

Even worse, the report surfaces an acute ownership problem, as 68% believe developers should be responsible for owning container security, while 80% of developers say they don’t test their images during development, and 50% don’t scan their images for vulnerabilities at all.

Time for joint accountability

As a consequence, when it comes to software-lifecycle tools, security vendors are experiencing a demand shift—a separation of personas at large enterprises. Security teams are still the economic buyers and hold the budget authority; however, with the realization that developers must have the tools to own more of the security of their own apps, comes a transfer of budget decisions over to development teams, who will actually use these tools. You build it, you run it—but you also secure it.

As I mentioned in an earlier piece, this is not an easy process for a security industry that is geared toward servicing security teams. The challenge many providers are facing is to provide tools designed for both sides of the aisle, that can promote joint accountability: empowering the people “on the left” while giving those “on the right” enough levels of control and observability.

In a sense, to shift-left is to let go. With more code—in a repository or in pre-built containers—coming from lesser-known origins and deployed more rapidly on more distributed systems, the only option is to continue to evolve and provide developers with the right tools and knowledge to own security.

Original post.


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